• 12 May 2019, Sunday
  • Skolkovo, ул. Большой бульвар д.30 стр.1

Falling Walls Lab Moscow 2019

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Сколковский институт науки и технологий
1810 дней назад
12 May 2019 c 23:59 до 23:59
ул. Большой бульвар д.30 стр.1


Present your research project to an illustrious panel of jurors, impress them and win a trip to Berlin! Moscow selection stage will be hosted by Skoltech within the framework of the Skolkovo Startup Village 2019.

The Falling Walls Lab is an interdisciplinary format to showcase the next generation of top researchers developed and hosted annually by the Falling Walls Foundation in Berlin on 8 November. In 3-minute talks, outstanding talents and innovative thinkers share their research projects, business models and social initiatives with an interdisciplinary audience and jury. Academic institutions worldwide are invited to host their own Falling Walls Lab and to send their winner/s to the Falling Walls Lab Finale on 8 November 2019 in Berlin.

How it works

1 Step: Fill out the registration form on timepad

2 Step: Skoltech committee will send you the detailed instruction on how to fill out the registration form on falling-walls.com/lab/apply/

3 Step: A committee will make a pre-selection of candidates and we will get back to you within two weeks

4 Step: If you are selected as one of the participants, we will invite you to Moscow Round (May, 30)

5 Step: The winner of Moscow round will get the trip to Berlin and chance to present the idea at Grand Finale.

Trip and accommodation expenses are covered

Three winners of Berlin Lab Finale receive a cash prize and the opportunity to give their talk on the grand stage of the Falling Walls Conference on 9 November 2019 in front of 600 institution leaders and decision makers.

More questions?

Contact us:falling-walls@skoltech.ru or visit our website:msc.skoltech.ru/falling-walls-lab





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