• 4 мая 2010, вторник
  • Онлайн

International Summer School "Operations Research With Logistic Applications"

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Другие события организатора

5100 дней назад
с 9:00 4 мая до 18:00 7 мая 2010

The main goal of the school is to initiate young staff, master, PhD students and practitioners to the modern research topics in operational research with logistics applications and mathematical methods in informatics. The school will take place in Higher School Of Economics in Nizhny Novgorod from May 03 to May 08. The working days of the Summer School will be May 04 (Tuesday) — May 07 (Friday). During the school participants interested in Master

The main goal of the school is to initiate young staff, master, PhD students and practitioners to the modern research topics in operational research with logistics applications and mathematical methods in informatics.

The school will take place in Higher School Of Economics in Nizhny Novgorod from May 03 to May 08.
The working days of the Summer School will be May 04 (Tuesday) — May 07 (Friday).

During the school participants interested in Master programs of Business Informatics and Applied Mathematics Faculty will get opportunity to learn about activities of the Faculty from within and to contact with lecturers of the Faculty.

Invited lecturers:

Philippe Michelon — professor, University of Avignon (France)
Boris Goldengorin — professor, University of Groningen (the Netherlands)
Nelly Litvak — professor, University of Twente (the Netherlands)
Gerold Jaeger — professor, University of Kiel (Germany)

With participation:

Eduard Babkin, professor, PhD in Computer Science, HSE NN
Valery Kalyagin, professor, HSE NN
Sergey Kirushin, associate professor, HSE NN

To participate in the school, please register until May 01, 23:00 here — sites.google.com/site/orinlogistics...

If you have any questions regarding the school, please don’t hesitate to contact with event-manager of the school, Arsè
ne Chuprakov, arsene.chuprakov@gmail.com, +79159579745 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +79159579745      


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